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Hello, My name is AdriAnna Beach, I am a visual designer and brand development, visual identity and logo design are in my blood. As are; hockey, gardening, learning guitar and writing the occasional poem.

I am proficient in; Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc., as well as all of the Google alternatives. I also know the Adobe Suite like the back of my hand, so much so that when i was in college at the Illinois Institute of Art in Schaumburg, a professor had dubbed me the "Key-Command Queen," a title that followed me until graduation. I am able to take any idea and turn it into reality both for in-house and external requirements, all I need is some time, a sketch book, some pencils and a computer.

Collaboration is second nature to me, my time in the classroom taught me that working in a team environment is something I thrive on. Offering feedback, getting feedback, giving and getting critiques, all of it helps designers try and learn new things. Inter-connectivity with marketing teams and other departments helps foster creativity and promotes new ideas. As one of my professors said "you cannot design in a box."

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I look forward to working with you!


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